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The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Part 2


The 7 principles were in a form of single story and it was
'There was beautiful garden with lighthouse in front of it, then a sumo Wrestler mostly naked only covered his private parts with pink cable came out of that light house saw a golden watch in garden came near it and fell, then after some time he gain his consciousness and standup start walking towards the path diamond and lived happily ever.
1. The Garden ---> Mind
#The Rose of Heart --> Appreciate the small things in life, start with daily appreciating rose which depicts the mind of person.
#The Opposite Thinking --> Never fill your mind with negative thoughts replace already existing negative thoughts with positive ones.
# Visualization --> Imagine things you wish to happen in your life on daily basis and you will see the miracles.
2. Light house --->Follow the purpose
#Dream Book --> write every thing you want in your life in a single notebook and daily read them, if possible attach photographs your wishes related stuff so that you can visualize them easily.
3. Sumo Wrestler ---> Self Improvement
# Daily small time with yourself --> start spending at least  10-15 min  with yourself.
# Breathe atleast three times a day 'Properly' for two minutes --> atleast three times a day focus on your breathing and start deep breathing consciously.
# Read thirty minutes a day.
# Eat the live food(vegetables, fruits, salad, sprouts)
# Daily note down your activities of a day, and analyse them, if they were negative improve them if they were positive they will help you in long run.
#Get up early and have good thoughts inside you and prepare your plan mentally as if it's your last day. Before go to bed have good thoughts in your mind.
#  Daily Practice Yoga
# Repeat the mantras how want to feel.
# Follow the principles which associates with character you want.
# Simplicity, reduce your needs.
4. Pink Cable ---> Discipline
# Discipline is build by small steps against the leisure.
# Willpower is the essential virtue of a fully actualized life.
I am more than I appear to be, all the world's strength and power rests inside me.
5. Gold Watch ---> Respect your time.
# schedule your time before starting a day Or week.
# only 20% of activities gives 80% satisfaction and productivity.
6. Roses ---> selfless service
Start working for others who need your help without thinking yourself.
7. The diamonds path ---> Live in present

                                              Yuvraj Singh Panwar

                                                    3rd Sem ECE


  1. Broooo...... Words are actually required to appreciate this ..... ✌️


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