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International Peace Day


What Is Peace? 

A situation or a period of time in which there is no war or violence in country or area. 

The International Peace Day is celebrated every year on 21st September. Before 2001 it was annually celebrated on 11 September. The reason behind the choosen date was the opening day of general Assembly of UN. But due to 9/11 attack in 2001. The day was shifted to 21 September. 

But What are the threat to Global Peace? 

1.Domination of few powerful countries over International Organizations. 

Most of the International Organisation such as UNO, WHO, IMF, World Bank are controlled by few rich and powerful countries USA, Russia, China, France, UK etc. This countries fund International organization heavily and many of them misuse their power in those Organizations. USA had dropped bombs in many countries either on the name ending war or establishing democracy. 

 2. Accumulation of nuclear weapons in few hands. 

Something that can lead to extinction of human beings without intervention of nature in it, the nuclear weapon will be on the top of the list and their accumulation in few hands is far more dangerous, the condition seems to be even worsen when we look at the number of nuclear weapon posessed by few countries. 
Russia    5977
USA         3750
China     ~350
France    290
Israel     80-400
Pakistan  165
This countries control around 80% of world's nuclear weapons. Pakistan a well known terrorism supporter country have such a huge number of nuclear weapon which is very dangerous for each and every country. 
3. Supporting countries which support terrorism. 
Many countries like Pakistan, Cuba, Syria, Iran support most of the terrorist organizations and countries like USA, Russia, China support many of these countries. 
For example Pakistan is a country on a grey list of FATF(Financial Action Task Force) due to terror funding and the economic condition of Pakistan is not very good, IMF take time and the demand many conditions to be full filled by borrower. Pakistan was not getting much support from other countries  but USA is ready to give it 450 Million Dollar to on the name of maintenance of F-16 fleet. 

Steps needs to be taken in this field. 

1. There should be appropriate rules regarding funding and leadership in International Organisation so that they can't be misused by powerful and rich countries. 

2. The  limit for number of active Nuclear weapon should be reduce to the safe limit specially for countries such USA and Russia. 

3. The countries supporting terrorism should be banned from International events and should not be make member of any International

4. The value of arms exported by USA, Russia and Israel or by any other country should be regularly monitored and should be controlled. 

5. The powerful country should support small and financially poor countries instead of exploiting them. 

6. They loan given by individual country to any other country should be monitored. So that it debt traps can be avoided, as in case of loan of China to Pakistan and Srilanka, because many times it lead to condition of civil war. 

7. Dependance(In terms of market) of one country over other should be increased so that International peace can be maintained. 
                        Thank You! 

                                            Yuvraj Singh Panwar
                                                        ECE 3rd Sem


  1. Itta lamba article padhne ki nahi banegi✌️

  2. Khul ja sim sim khul ja sim sim


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