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How is Aravali International School | Goods & Bads of Aravali International School

My days in Aravali International School 

My journey in my school was both tough and fantastic few times I thought it's so tough but many times I thought that it's like heaven, I started my school life in that school and ended it there, also I became the vice head boy of my school also I was involved in the school robotics team and school basketball team my school has a pleasent atmosphere of more like of brotherhood and frendship

Aravali International School
Aravali International School Faridabad

Goods of Aravali International School

My school was a good place full of greenery plants and trees it was a sports hub of Haryana and was ok in academic, I personally liked the way that the teachers supported all of us and encouraged us for experienceing new things, it is a huge school and one of the most beautifull school in Haryana

Bads of Aravali International School

Few things that I didn't liked about my school was that the management wasn't proper as every year our principal changed due to which many didn't got what they deserved as many competitive programs were taken down

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